Writing interpreter in Rust (part 1)
This article overviews the process of writing an interpreter with Rust programming language. We will use the grmtools Rust crate to help with the parsing. We will define tokens of our language and create math addition and multiplication expressions. We will also cover some basic terms and concepts related to writing an interpreter as we go. This writing is heavily based on grmtools Quickstart [1].
What are grmtools?
Grmtools is a collection of Rust libraries for text parsing at compile and run times. We will focus on the compile-time YACC features of grmtools as it will provide us with the framework for parsing instead of writing one from scratch.
What’s YACC?
YACC (Yet Another Compiler-Compiler) is an LALR (Look Ahead Left-to-Right Rightmost Derivation) parser generator [2].
Don’t let these acronyms scare you. LALR parser is just a type of Parser. A Parser is a compiler component that translates the raw source code into a meaningful structured form.
YACC is written in a similar notation to BNF (Backus–Naur Form) [3], which will resemble what we will use. The only difference is that we’ll have some Rust code and types involved.
Getting started
Grmtools includes a YACC-style Parser called lrpar and a Lexer called lrlex. We will also use cfgrammar which we’ll use to identify the YACC variant we will use — YaccKind::Grmtools.
Lexeme — Part of the source code text
Lexer — Breaks the text into individual lexemes
Parser — Validates whether lexemes fit formal grammar
Tokens — Parsed Lexemes with the assigned type
In the next sections, we will define our Lexer and Parser in a YACC-y way using grmtools libraries in a Rust project.
Creating new project
I will call my project Coconut for two main reasons: Just because I can and because I like coconuts.
Creating new cargo project:
$ cargo new coconut
It should have the following content:
$ tree coconut
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
└── main.rs
Setting up Cargo.toml
name = "coconut"
version = "0.0.1"
edition = "2021"
doc = false
name = "coconut"
cfgrammar = "0.13"
lrlex = "0.13.1"
lrpar = "0.13.1"
cfgrammar = "0.13"
lrlex = "0.13.1"
lrpar = "0.13.1"
Now we have all the dependencies we need.
First we need to define the vocabulary we will use in our interpreter. For that, we’ll create a coconut.l file in our src directory and define our keywords as key-value pairs, where the key is a normal Regex expression and the value is the formal Lexeme assigned to it, separated by whitespace.
[0-9]+ "INTEGER"
\+ "ADD"
\* "MUL"
\( "LPAR"
\) "RPAR"
[\t\n ]+ ;
Let’s examine it line-by-line:
[0–9]+ “INTEGER” - Any string that will match the numeric sequence `0–9` will be identified as an `INTEGER` Lexeme.
\+ “ADD” — “+” characters will be identified as an `ADD` Lexeme.
\* “MUL” — “*” characters will be identified as a `MUL` Lexeme.
\( “LPAR” — “(“ characters will be identified as an `LPAR` Lexeme.
\) “RPAR” — “)” characters will be identified as an `RPAR` Lexeme.
[\t\n ]+ ; — Any tabs, new lines and whitespaces will be replaced with empty strings. i.e. removed.
That should give you a general idea of what is possible. We can define any Regex and assign a formal lexeme to it that will be later used in the Parser if the Regex pattern matches a text sequence.
Defining the Parser will involve creating coconut.y in our src directory with the following content:
%start Expr
Expr -> Result<u64, ()>:
Expr 'ADD' Term { Ok($1? + $3?) }
| Term { $1 }
Term -> Result<u64, ()>:
Term 'MUL' Factor { Ok($1? * $3?) }
| Factor { $1 }
Factor -> Result<u64, ()>:
'LPAR' Expr 'RPAR' { $2 }
let v = $1.map_err(|_| ())?;
fn parse_int(s: &str) -> Result<u64, ()> {
match s.parse::<u64>() {
Ok(val) => Ok(val),
Err(_) => Err(())
The coconut.y grammar file has three parts, separated by the %% lines.
General settings — 1st Part
This is the part where general settings are set. At a minimum, it needs the start rule %start to know what rule should be the starting point for the Parser.
YACC Grammar rules — 2nd part
Our example consists of three rules: Expr, Term, and Factor and six productions, also known as alternatives.
Each rule can have multiple productions. Each production is separated by | character. Rules end with ; a symbol.
Productions can reference other rules or Lexemes defined in the coconut.l file. If the production pattern matches, its action code is executed.
Action code is set between { and } symbols.
The $x variables refer to the respective Lexeme in the production.
For example:
Term { $1 } references the first $1 symbol.
Expr ‘ADD’ Term { Ok($1? + $3?) } rule references the first $1 and the third $3 symbols.
Rust code — 3rd part
Any Rust code called by production action code can be defined here. We can also import other rust code from the crate or external crates.
In our example, that’s where we defined the parse_int function.
And there we have it! We went through the grmtools Quickstart example [1] and defined our Lexer and Parser.
Next, we’ll wire up our application!
Compiling our Parser to Rust
In order to use the grammar we just defined, we need to compile it into Rust code.
For that, we will create a build.rs file, which will provide us with such functionality.
Let’s create build.rs file in the root of the project with the following content:
use cfgrammar::yacc::YaccKind;
use lrlex::CTLexerBuilder;
fn main() {
.lrpar_config(|ctp| {
If you’re unfamiliar with build.rs see more information in the The Cargo Book [4].
Application entry point
We did the Lexing, Parsing and Compilation steps. Here we will hook all of it to our application entry point — main.rs.
Our main.rs content:
use std::env;
use lrlex::lrlex_mod;
use lrpar::lrpar_mod;
lrlex_mod!("coconut.l"); // brings the lexer for `coconut.l` into scope.
lrpar_mod!("coconut.y"); // brings the Parser for `coconut.y` into scope.
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() > 1 {
let input = &args[1]; // Create a lexer
let lexer_def = coconut_l::lexerdef(); // Lex the input.
let lexer = lexer_def.lexer(&input);
let (res, errs) = coconut_y::parse(&lexer); // Parse the input.
// Check for errors
for e in errs {
println!("{}", e.pp(&lexer, &coconut_y::token_epp));
// Print results
match res {
Some(Ok(r)) => println!("{:?}", r),
_ => eprintln!("Unable to evaluate expression."),
} else {
println!("Please provide at least one cli argument!")
In this code, we accept a single CLI argument as input, Lexing it, Parsing it and checking for errors.
And we’re kind of done!
Running our interpreter
Try adding two numbers:
$ cargo -q run '2+2'
`-q` flag tells cargo to be quiet and not output verbose information.
Our interpreter also supports operation precedence and more complex math expressions:
$ cargo -q run '2+2*2+(2+2)'
If you’re not impressed, it’s OK. But there is something impressive going on here that we might have taken for granted.
If we’re not careful, 1+2*3 math expression can be evaluated as: 1+2*3 = (1+2)*3 = 9. Which is obviously wrong, at least by the conventional definition of + and * math operations. We know that 1+2*3 should be evaluated as 1+(2*3) = 7.
We won’t dive into how and why it worked; assume some magic is happening behind the scenes.
But if you’re curious, it is something to do with the fact that we just wrote an LR parser. Writing our grammar this way forces the “correct” parsing with “correct” operation precedence. It is essential mainly for arithmetic operations. Read more about it here [5].
We went through the steps of implementing our own interpreter using Rust programming language with grmtools: cfgrammar, lrlex and lrpar libraries.
We went through the quickstart of grmtools [1] and added a bit more explanations of the terminology used.
Rust project example can be found here.
This writing was for my own sake of understanding and the organisation of my thoughts as it was about knowledge sharing.
# References
[1] https://softdevteam.github.io/grmtools/master/book/quickstart.html
[2] https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-to-yacc/
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backus%E2%80%93Naur_form
[4] https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/build-scripts.html
[5] https://tratt.net/laurie/blog/2020/which_parsing_approach.html